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What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Jasmine – चमेली
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Rose – गुलाब
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Lotus  – कमल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Lily – कुमुदिनी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Red Lotus – कुमुद
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Marigold – गेंदा, गेंदे का फूल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Hibiscus – गुढ़ल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Frangipani, Magnolia  – चम्पा
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Cypress Vine, Star Glory – कामलता
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Crape Jasmine – चांदनी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Sunflower – सूरजमुखी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Night-Flowering Jasmine – चमेली के फूल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Oleander – कनेर
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Periwinkle – सदाबहार
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Blue Water Lily – नीलकमल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Water Lily – कुमुद
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Cobra Saffron – नाग चम्पा
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Touch-Me-Not – छूईमूई
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Bud – कली, कोंपल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Balsam – गुल मेहँदी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Chrysanthemum – गुलदाउदी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Creeper – लता
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Daisy – गुलबहार
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Erythrina – पारिजात
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Fir – देवदार, सनोबर
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Hiptage – माधवी पुष्प
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Knop – कली, कोंपल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Mushroom – कुकुरमुत्ता, छत्रक, छत्ता
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Motia – मोतिया
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Murraya  – कामिनी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Narcissus – नर्गिस
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Pandanus – केतकी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Poppy – खसखस, अफ़ीम
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Prickly Pear – नागफनी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Stramonium – धतूरा
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Datura – सफ़ैद धतूरा
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Datura – सफ़ैद धतूरा
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Jasmine – चमेली
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Rose – गुलाब
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Lotus  – कमल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Lily – कुमुदिनी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Red Lotus – कुमुद
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Marigold – गेंदा, गेंदे का फूल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Hibiscus – गुढ़ल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Frangipani, Magnolia  – चम्पा
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Cypress Vine, Star Glory – कामलता
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Crape Jasmine – चांदनी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Sunflower – सूरजमुखी
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Night-Flowering Jasmine – चमेली के फूल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Oleander – कनेर
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Periwinkle – सदाबहार
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Blue Water Lily – नीलकमल
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Water Lily – कुमुद
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Cobra Saffron – नाग चम्पा
What is the name of Flower?
School Finds
Answer: Touch-Me-Not – छूईमूई
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